TO represent YOU
Your American Dream requires adequate legal representation and zealous advocacy. We represent clients throughout the country.
Immigration Legal Advice & Representation - Crime Victims Asylum Seekers Family Requests
We represent victims of crimes and domestic violence, asylum-seekers, petitioners & recipients of family-based immigration requests, and non-immigrant students, workers and investors.
Representamos a víctimas de crímenes y violencia doméstica, a solicitantes de asilo, a peticionarios & beneficiarios de solicitudes migratorias basadas en vínculos familiares, y a estudiantes, trabajadores e inversionistas no inmigrantes.

360 degree Immigration Legal Solutions
Explore What We Are Doing Better
We only practice immigration law. Immigration is a complex area of US law; whatever your need may be, we will provide you with the legal representation you need, to navigate through it.
Nuestra práctica es exclusivamente inmigración, un área compleja del derecho estadounidense. Les proveemos la representación legal que usted precisa para navegar esta área del derecho estadounidense.
Asylum Seekers
We Will Help You Every Step Of The Way
Consider your next steps with the help of a skillful attorney. The journey ahead is not guaranteed, however, your most favorable outcome lies ahead with qualified legal representation. Arm yourself with the experience and insight of Perez McGill Law Firm. Here is our process:
Consult with the lawyer
Contact us at (346) 301-0151 (voice/text/WhatsApp), to schedule an appointment where Lorena will listen to you and analyze the particular facts of your case.
Hire our services
Each case is unique. Lorena will discuss with you the details of your case and will represent you every step of the way.
Be zealously represented every step of the way
You will be informed of everything that is happening, including paperwork significance, necessary appointments and more. After all, it is YOUR case.
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we Look forward to adequately and zealously representing you
Esperamos Representarles Adecuadamente y Entusiastamente